


Charlotte Wells' debut as a writer-director is one of the most acclaimed films of the year. Essentially a two-hander, the wistful, intimate Aftersunstars Francesca Corio and Paul Mescal (Normal People) as an 11-year-old girl on a rare holiday with her 30-year-old father in the late 1990s: she still lives with her mother in Scotland while he has moved to England, with no intention of returning. They tour the discos, amusement arcades and karaoke bars of a fading Turkish resort, but it becomes clear that Calum isn't quite the happy dad he is struggling to be. 'Deftly constructed and utterly heartbreaking,' says Pat Brown at Slant Magazine, 'Aftersunannounces Wells as an eminent storyteller of prodigious powers.'黑人小哥一路找寻,发现弗兰在游戏里被阿里姐指挥过,于是找到了她详情

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